Mr Brian Witheridge

Brian Witheridge Front.jpg

Messages of condolence

64 years ago in September 1960, I met Brian in the first-year studio of the School of Architecture, which was part of the Birmingham College of Art and Design. We were seated in alphabetical order, the A's at the front and the S's & W's at the back. I didn't realise when Brian and I started chatting it would develop into a lifelong friendship. It turned out we both enjoyed hill-walking and sailing. We shared flats at college, he met Sue through me, I was his best man in '67 and in '71 he was mine when he had to give the best mans speech in English and French as Francine had a lot of Belgian relatives! We got on very well, I don't think we ever had a row, perhaps a difference of opinion but not a row. He had a dry sense of humour and his opinion on a matter was worth having. He was kind, courteous and very much a family man. Francine and I will always miss him.

Mr Robert Shaw

I would have preferred to have been there, but you are aware of my situation. I watched on line and I feel sure that Brian was among you all. My fondest love to you all!! Roy, Granddad, xxxx

Mr Roy Harkness