Mr David Lane

David Lane front.jpg

Messages of condolence

Remembering David with great fondness and sending much love to Sue, Sib, Annie and families, from Chris, Ginny, Helen and Annabel. Xxxx

Mr Martin Wenban

In remembrance of a good friend of 50 years with whom we shared such lovely times and who was always caring of his community. Rest now.

Mr Leo Meier

A lovely friend will be sadly missed.

Mrs Maureen Child

It was a privilege to be present

Mr David Crichton

So many fond and happy childhood memories with the Lane Family. Kindness continued as we grew up, moved away and had our own families, particularly towards our Mum. Sending you all much love.

Mrs Emma Mercer

Dear Family Lane, I shall never forget David fishing my sister from the river in Scotland when she got into difficulties and I believe he saved her life that day. David was very endearing when he would chuckle at his own jokes or remarks - this always made me laugh too and made me feel happy and look forward to seeing him. David was very kind to invite my Mum to holiday with him and Susan and Mum had a wonderful time. David was a lovely, kind and generous man and that is how I shall always remember him.

Miss Jessica Moss