Mrs Elizabeth Wilson


Donations in memory of Elizabeth will be given to Chinnor Methodist Church and Chinnor Village Centre

Total collected to date: £282.23

Charity details

Vale Of Aylesbury Circuit, Chinnor Methodist Church

Registered Number 1134235

Chinnor Village Centre

Registered Number 1007949

Service details

Church Service

16 January, 2025 12:00

Chinnor Methodist Church

62 Station Rd,, Chinnor, OX39 4PZ

Messages of condolence

We'll miss you, Love always Hannah, Dave and Benjamin xxx

Mrs Hannah Vincent

I have the fondest memories of the times we have spent together. Throughout my life you have always been there and I will miss you dearly. Harry is pleased to have known you in recent years. Lots of love Amanda xxx

Ms Amanda BeckBrown

Mum, always in our hearts. Lots of love, Ian x

Mr Ian Wilson